Faculty Focus

Faculty Focus: December 2018

What is your educational background?
MV: B.A. – University of Illinois at Chicago; M.A. – DePaul University; M.A. in progress – Concordia University (River Forest)

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?
MV: 我在欣斯代尔中心高中教书,兼职学术资源协调员, and then I taught English at St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights, IL.

What are you currently reading for enjoyment?
MV: My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A former, 我最喜欢的学生知道我喜欢她,她在感恩节前给我送来的.

What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?
MV: 我在读研究生,是三个孩子的母亲(9岁), 6, 因此,我的“业余”时间被限制在从事我感兴趣的事情上. 不过,我确实挤出时间参加障碍赛跑. I am on a Spartan team for the June competition. Ever since I was little, I loved being on a team. 我喜欢竞争,喜欢一群人为了一个共同的目标而共同努力——这就是我对教育的总体看法. 我们需要让教室里的每个人都达到同样的水平.

MV: I played water polo (and swam to keep in shape). I loved water polo. 我从10岁开始打篮球,大学的前两年在印第安纳大学打球——竞争非常激烈, 但是给了我很多旅行的机会和很多学术上的优势.

Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick?
MV: I am in charge of the Equality Club. 我以前是水球教练,但我已经五年没做了. I also was the Write Place moderator.

What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student?
MV: Fenwick students are driven. 这里的空气和我上高中的地方不一样. Though I had goals and expectations for myself, here, 学生们给自己施加了很大的压力,希望在每件事上都达到最高水平——我钦佩这种动力, 但也希望同学们花点时间照顾好自己, to laugh, and to enjoy these moments. 高中是一段特殊的时光,它结束得如此之快.

MV: I was originally a science major as I entered IU. I wanted to do neurological research or lab work. 事实上,由于我出身于一个教师世家,我坚决反对成为一名教师. I grew up with a sister who had Rett Syndrome, 一种几乎只发生在女孩身上的神经紊乱, and it inhibited her from speaking, or walking, or doing anything on her own. Long story, short, she ended up passing away midway through my sophomore year at IU; her death made me question a lot of my decisions.
我完成了学年,回到了离家人更近的地方. Though I started at UIC’s biology program, 为了满足我的入学要求,我不得不参加大约100级的英语课程,最后我参加了戏剧入门课程. 教授和我成了好朋友,他把我介绍给写作中心主任. 我对文学、语言和写作的兴趣开始蓬勃发展. At the end of my first semester at UIC, 我开始在学校的写作中心工作,并开始学习更多的文学和写作课程. My interest in the sciences started to wane. 当我在写作中心的时候,我和很多英语教师建立了关系. They encouraged me to think about education.
Although I was in opposition to the idea, 我们的中心开始与当地的学校建立研讨会,我与那些研讨会上的学生建立的关系影响了我更认真地对待这个建议. Then the next year, 我在约克高中开始和姐姐一起教水球, 是什么最终说服我去寻找我的教育证书. 所以我申请了德保罗大学的英语教育硕士项目.

MV: 我有很高的期望,但我始终认为个人是第一位的. 我专注于他们的写作和批判性思维,因为逻辑和沟通是他们一生都需要的技能. I hope that I am approachable. 我希望学生们把我看作一个对他们感同身受的人.

What are your favorite classes to teach?
MV: 我现在只教AP语言和写作(一个班),因为我辅导整个新生班. [She was the Class of 2018 Counselor last school year.]

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
MV: 我有一些非常美好的回忆,很多学生永远铭刻在我的脑海里. 从我的第一个八人的APLAC班到我的第一个高级英国文学班——如果我在比赛开始时没有生孩子,这个班应该赢得拔河比赛! I have met so many wonderful, talented young people. 他们激励着我继续学习,勇敢地为自己设定新的目标——即使我离开大学已经很多年了,也不要回避挑战.

What challenges face students today?
MV: With the rise in technology, students are constantly bombarded with information, 这实际上引发了比前几代人更快成熟的压力,因为他们早早接触到成熟的内容——不管父母的控制有多严格.
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